Block 1: Development of a theoretical framework
The first block of work in the first 18-month period concentrates on theoretical issues related to the role and impact of information and communication. This will build on pre-existing models of information processing and further the knowledge in this field through the development of one integrated framework. Furthermore, methods and measurement instruments to be used in the empirical studies (block 2 and block 3) will be developed. Each area of research has strong links with the other pillars of the SEAFOODplus project, as described below.
Block 2: Empirical study into consumer interest in traceability
The second block of work includes an empirical study related to consumer interest in seafood traceability information. This block of work extends over two 18-month periods. During the first period, insights in consumer need and interest in seafood traceability are gathered through a descriptive survey. Assessment of consumer information needs related to traceability (first 18-month period) will provide input for the establishment of a consumer-oriented traceability system (horizontal bar). In a later stage of the project, specific messages from established traceable seafood chains will be tested with consumers.
Block 3: Empirical studies into seafood health, safety and ethical information
The third block of work includes empirical studies on seafood health, safety and ethical information. These studies will mainly build on experimental study designs allowing for testing different message contents, formats and media. The research on the role and impact of seafood health and nutrition claims links up with pillar 1 on seafood and human nutrition. The research on risk perception and communication links up with pillar 3 on safety, risks and benefits. The research on consumer interest in ethical seafood product information is strongly related with pillars 4 and 5 on product development and production methods, respectively.