Block 1. Validated traceability systems. Responsible partner: 1. DIFRES, industrial partners (month 18-48).
The work to be done in this block is to develop and test management models and to use multivariate data analysis on the data sets obtained from the industrial partners – data generators. The end result is a validated traceability systems regarding handling the data in the different links in the chain.
Block 2. Validated traceability data. Responsible partner: 7.AZTI, other partners: 3.IFREMER, 6.SINTEF and industrial partner (months 6-54)
This block will deal with the compilation and selection of adequate tools for verifying authenticity and quality data (month 6-18). The work will continue with the testing and implementation in selected chains of reliable authenticity and quality methods to develop validated and adapted traceability systems (month 18-48). In the last part of the block, dissemination and demonstration will be carried out in cooperation with the ITD area (month 42-54).