People in SEAFOODplus

SEAFOODplus is a collection of many projects and many activities. A management structure has been established to handle this complex situation. An overview of all the activities can be found when looking up the RTD structure, project descriptions and ITD activities, but we would also like to present to you the key people involved in the major SEAFOODplus operations.


The presentation has been structured, such that people have been grouped in the different RTD/ITD areas and different projects.

Overall coordination of SEAFOODplus

Coordination of the whole SEAFOODplus consortium with responsibility towards the Commission is taken care of by Professor Torger Børresen, PhD, being the Research Director of the Department of Seafood Research at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua, and Professor of Food Technology at the Technical University of Denmark. He has a long-standing experience as manager of research at all levels, counting project leadership, management of project groups and a research centre, department management and top administrative management at research institute level. He has extended teaching skills at all levels, and has been responsible supervisor for a substantial number of Ph.D. students. Due to his academic skills he has been serving at research councils, advisory groups for research within the food and technology area nationally and internationally, and is still active in the academic world, serving e.g. on editorial boards for scientific journals. He has a long experience in collaborating with industry and industry associations, and has an extended network within both academia and among decision makers nationally and internationally.

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The Coordinator of SEAFOODplus has a secretariat performing the general day-to-day management activities servicing all partners in the consortium.



The people at the secretariat are:


Secretariat manager, Mrs. Jette Donovan Jensen

In addition to serving as the secretariat manager for SEAFOODplus, Jette Donovan Jensen is also the scientific secretary at the Department of Seafood Research at DTU Aqua where she has been since 2000. She takes care of staff issues and the budget for the department, which involves financial and administrative support of the numerous externally funded projects. She has extensive experience in managing international secretariats. She was previously at the Nordic Council of Ministers serving as secretary to two Nordic committees on fisheries and environmental issues, she has been head of the secretariat of the Nordic Fishermen’s Association, she held a position as Executive Secretary to ASCOBANS, a European cetacean conservation agreement established under the United Nations as well as working within research at the Greenland Institute for Natural Resources.


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Financial manager, Mr. Jim Codd

In addition to keeping an eye on the overall financial situation of SEAFOODplus and checking that each partner gets what they are entitled to according to budget figures, Jim Codd also carefully considers cost statements and delivers all necessary financial information to the Commission. But Jim Codd also considers other contract matters and is responsible for checking all documents issued by the Commission relevant for SEAFOODplus. Before being engaged in the SEAFOODplus management, he was acting as a consultant for the food industry in Ireland, and specialised in research projects concerning EU support. He has supplemented his basic education with courses and studies of how to manage EU supported projects within FP5 and FP6. He thus has the broad expertise SEAFOODplus needs for handling finances and specific matters in which it is necessary to have close contact to the Commission offices in Brussels.


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Web master assistant, Ms. Anita Ioana Ghiuca

Ioana is a student of Marketing Management at Niels Brock Business College in Copenhagen and assists the SEAFOODplus secretariat in uploading new material for the homepage and checks that everything is working properly. She was born in Romania, but has lived in Sweden for the past 6 years. She works as a student helper on an hourly basis.



When looking at the overall structure of SEAFOODplus there is an RTD area and an ITD area. In order to read more about who is where, follow the links below.