SEAFOODplus offers to the involved companies the possibility to participate in a demonstration project transferring technology developed under SEAFOODplus on the thematic areas mentioned including:
- Priority access to innovative R&D results
- Adaptation activities to the specific processes
- Acquisition of a new technology or upgrading of an existing one
- Exploitation agreement
Requirements for companies answering this call were the following:
Project nº 1 ‘Novel biochemical hurdles-Biopreservatives’:
Two types of companies were requested, each with expertise in one of the following fields:
1) Producers of microbial starters or bacteriocins
2) Industries producing lightly preserved fish products, e.g. smoked fish
Project nº 2 ‘Novel decontamination technologies’:
The type of companies required for this project were industries producing minimally processed seafood products, e.g.:
- Smoked fish
- Carpaccio seafood products
- Desalted cod products
- Sliced seafood products
- …