
External call for demonstration projects

A successfull SEAFOODplus external call was launched in May 2006 for the first Demonstration Projects to be attended by industries. This call offered the opportunity to demonstrate the first technologies coming out of the different RTD projects to seafood product industries. It was provided by the ITD 3 activities, which task it is to identify interested industries for technology transfer from SEAFOODplus.



Author: Begoña Perez-Villarreal, AZTI





The call resulted in the positive feedback from eight different companies and is now closed for further attendance. new calls will be opened in the future at this homepage.


Companies entering the demonstration projects resulting from the first call will now have a maximum of 18 months commitment and collaborates in co-funding with own or external funds.


Two different demonstration projects are being conducted with the following thematic content:



Project nº 1 ‘Novel biochemical hurdles – Bio-preservatives’


Production of safe cold-smoked salmon and other lightly preserved fish products complying with the European guidelines for presence of Listeria monocytogenes. For extensive text please click here

Project nº 2 ‘Novel decontamination technologies’


Pulsed light technology to improve safety and shelf life of lightly preserved fish products and/or convenience seafood products. For extensive text please click here.

SEAFOODplus offers to the involved companies the possibility to participate in a demonstration project transferring technology developed under SEAFOODplus on the thematic areas mentioned including:


    - Priority access to innovative R&D results


    - Adaptation activities to the specific processes


    - Acquisition of a new technology or upgrading of an existing one


    - Exploitation agreement


Requirements for companies answering this call were the following:


Project nº 1 ‘Novel biochemical hurdles-Biopreservatives’:

Two types of companies were requested, each with expertise in one of the following fields:

1) Producers of microbial starters or bacteriocins


2) Industries producing lightly preserved fish products, e.g. smoked fish


Project nº 2 ‘Novel decontamination technologies’:

The type of companies required for this project were industries producing minimally processed seafood products, e.g.:

- Smoked fish

- Carpaccio seafood products

- Desalted cod products

- Sliced seafood products

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