The 2nd meeting on developing functional foods with omega-3 fatty acids was arranged on June 15 and 16, 2006 in Helsingør, Denmark. The first meeting took place in Amherst, Massachusetts last year. The meeting in 2006 was organised by SCANOmega*, SEAFOODplus** and University of Massachusetts. The meeting was sponsored by TINE BA.
*SCANOmega is a project on omega-3 headed by the Danish Institute for Fisheries Research. Other participants in the project are BioCentrum-DTU, Aarhus Business School, 3A Business Consulting, Dax Consult and TINE BA. The project investigates the technological and market-related barriers against a successful launch of a range of omega-3 enriched foods. The bioavailability of selected foods is also investigated. The project is funded by the Strategic Research Councils in Denmark. For more information: Click here
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