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National Contact Points assigned to improve contact to SEAFOODplus 23-01-08

In each of the countries where SEAFOODplus is active a contact point is established to make communication easier on a national basis


Women within SEAFOODplus 21-12-07

A study on the gender dimension of SEAFOODplus shows a good involvement and participation of women in the different areas, counting both research and management at all levels of the consortium.


Consumer segments identified for more effective seafood communication 02-12-07

Three consumer segments indentified as a result of cross-cultural validation and market segmentation regarding fish information. The purpose being more effective seafood communication.


Connecting technical quality parameters of seafood with consumers’ preferences 01-07-07

As a part of the integration between two of the projects within SEAFOODplus, a training study has been performed by a researcher from University of Coruña visiting Instituto del Frio in Madrid with the aim of connecting technical quality parameters with consumers’ preferences


IFREMER student visits Fiskeriforskning for training 09-05-07

As part of the SEAFOODplus training programme PhD student Sandie Millot and her supervisor Marie-Laure Bégout from IFREMER visited Fiskeriforskning in Tromsø for aquaculture studies
