Partner 11: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

 CSIC is the largest public research organisation in Spain and has considerable experience in managing R&D projects and training grants. The CSIC is multi-disciplinary, undertaking work in practically all branches of knowledge; its activities are very wide-ranging, embracing the spectrum from basic research to technological development. CSIC is divided into 8 areas of knowledge such as (1) Humanities and Social Sciences, (2) Agricultural Sciences, (3) Biology and Biomedicine, (4) Physics Science and Technology, (5) Chemistry Science and Technology, (6) Science and Technology of Materials, (7) Natural Resources, and (8) Food Science and Technology. Two Institutes are involved within SEAFOODplus: Instituto del Frio and Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas. The Instituto del Frio has 5 departments two of which are within SEAFOODplus. The Dept. of the Science and Dept. of Technology of Seafood and Meat is commodity oriented and the main research activities are concentrated on the development of products, including functional foods, the upgrading and best utilization of seafood and meat, the study of the biochemical mechanisms involved in seafood deterioration, and the application of emergent technologies. The Departamento de Nutricion and Metabolismo from Instituto del Frio are responsible for the studies in carbohydrates in Nutrition and Health, Dietary Fibers, Bioactive compounds of cell wall, and the development of new food ingredients as well as functional foods. The Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas is organized in two departments. From the two of them, the department of Chemistry and Technology of Marine Products will be participating in SEAFOODplus. The research lines of this Department can be summarized in the chemistry of marine products, process engineering, seafood biochemistry, seafood products technology, and recycling and upgrading of residues.


Key persons

Dr. Isabel Medina (Project 4.3 LIPIDTEXT),

Dr. Mercedes Careche (coordinator of ITD Activity 6, project 4.4 CONSUMERPRODUCTS,),

Professor Javier Borderías (Project 4.4 CONSUMERPRODUCTS),

Professor Fulgencio Saura (Project 4.4 CONSUMERPRODUCTS).