Project leader is Dr Elizabeth Lund from the Institute of Food Research (IFR). She has been involved in research on the role of n-3 fatty acids on cell function and gastro-intestinal health for over 10 years using human, animal and in-vitro models. Her particular expertise is on the role of apoptosis and cell cycle modulation in the dietary prevention of colorectal cancer investigating factors such as iron, glucosinolates and phytoestrogens. She is also Vice-Chair of the Local Research Ethics Committee. Dr Lund has been involved in a number of EU funded projects including EFGLU and EUROFEDA.


Key persons in FISHGASTRO:

Dr Ellen Kampman from Wageningen University has been conducting observational epidemiological and human experimental research on diet and gastro-intestinal diseases, specifically colorectal adenomas and carcinomas, for over 15 years. During her stay at Harvard School and Public Health and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research she gained experience with the design, conduct and analyses of large scale observational and intervention studies. She supervises several projects on the role of diet and genetic polymorphisms in colorectal carcinogenesis and inflammatory bowel disease, including a large case-control study on colorectal adenomas and several intervention studies.

Dr Robert Havenaar is Product Manager of a team of 9 co-workers on in vitro gastrointestinal research at TNO. He is initiator and coordinator of the development, validation and application of the TNO dynamic, computer-controlled gastrointestinal models and has 10 years of experience on studies related to nutritional quality, functional foods and nutritional safety.

Professor Beatrice Pool-Zobel, PhD, from University Jena has been one of the leaders in developing novel approaches, to determine genotoxicity and DNA damage in human colon cells from biopsies. She was also one of the first to use new methods of gene expression for the specific field of nutritional toxicology and cancer prevention. She has participated in or is performing a number of EU projects: Phenolic phytoprotectants, The Comet Assay, Second generation functional foods, Seasonal dietary antioxidant levels, SYNCAN, PHYTOPREVENT and 4 concerted actions. Professor Beatrice Pool-Zobel died May 2008. SEAFOODplus is very grateful for her valuable contribution to the project and for her great contribution to the development of human nutritional science.