Project leader is Dr Hilde Toften. She holds a position as a principal scientist at Nofima Marin, Norway. She has 16 years of experience in experimental fish biology, including studies of physiological, behavioural and health effects of environmental factors such as water quality, fish density, feeding regimes and formulated feed in intensive rearing systems. She has worked with a wide range of species such as Atlantic salmon, Arctic charr, Atlantic cod, European sea bass, wolfish, Atlantic halibut, sea urchins and spiny cockles. She has been coordinating a number of research projects. At present, she is leading a 3-years research project ‘Use of saline water in intensive salmon smolt production: Effects on health, welfare, and risk of winter soars’, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Professor <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Felicity Huntingford, PhD, from University of Glasgow has been involved in research into fish biology (including feeding, growth and resource allocation) for more than 30 years. A special interest is in using behavioural techniques for improving production and ethical quality of farmed fish. Her research receives finding from various agencies including the UK's NERC and BBSRC, the Royal Society of London, the Leverhulme Foundation, the Welcome Trust, the EU and several industrial enterprises. She has written four books and published more than 160 papers in refereed scientific journals. She is an EU Expert Evaluator and has held a number of posts with learned societies, currently that of President of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
Dr. Marie-Laure Bégout Anras is a senior scientist working in the field of fish behavioural ecology at CREMA, a joint laboratory under the hospices of both IFREMER and CNRS. She has experience in conducting behavioural survey of cultured seabass within the EU program <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />EUREKA 1-960.
Dr. Jeannine Person-Le Ruyet is specialised in adaptive physiology from the IFREMER ARN laboratory in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brest. She will develop investigations on seabass within the project.
Dr. Øyvind Aas-Hansen is a scientist at the Nofima Marin. His work is within the field aquatic physiology, including non-invasive monitoring of fish welfare in aquaculture (the SmartTag concept) and stress responses.
Linda A. Hansen was a scientist at the Nofima Marin, Norway. Her research focus was fish behaviour, specifically in Atlantic cod and salmonids, within the areas of social interactions, reproduction and fish welfare. Linda Hansen died March 2009. SEAFOODplus is very grateful for her valuable contribution to the project and for her great contribution to the development of the aquaculture science.
The Canadian AquaNet is a network of Centres of Excellence in Aquaculture with Professor Robert Scott McKinley, PhD, (University of British Columbia) as scientific director. The main objectives of AquaNet are to position the Canadian aquaculture industry for the future by increasing the efficiency of aquaculture production through species diversification, biotechnology, and environmental sustainability. It endeavours scientific research and transfer of knowledge between the academic community and the aquaculture industry. The research program in AquaNet covers projects in animal production, socio-economical aspects and environmental integrity. In addition to Canadian participants, AquaNet includes corresponding international research groups. AquaNet’s is involved to further co-operation and the possibility of exchange of ideas and personnel, and to develop non-invasive tag technology to measure quality parameters of live fish in full scale rearing facilities, in order to study the effects of husbandry and aquaculture systems on seafood quality traits.
Dr. Hans van de Vis, who will act as team leader of pre-slaughter part, is a principal scientist in the field of stress in fish and product quality at the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES). He was co-ordinator of the EU project ‘Optimisation of harvest procedures of farmed fish with respect to quality and welfare’, and in charge of the EU project ‘Stress and welfare of fish and quality of the flesh as affected by the slaughtering techniques’. At present he is heading a national project, entitled ‘Development of a humane slaughter method for African catfish’.
Dr. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bert Lambooij is a research scientist at ID-Lelystad in the fields of euthanasia, stunning, transport, muscle physiology and electronic identification in ruminants, pigs, fur animals, poultry and fish. His main research interests are handling of animals before slaughter. ID-Lelystad carries out multidisciplinary research in the areas of animal production and health and the quality of animal products.
Dr. Andrzej Pilarczyk is head of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Institute of Ichthyobiology and Aquaculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an expert in field of farming of carp and quality of the product. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Sergey W. Blokhin, Managing Director and Dr. Olga Bukovskaya Director of Research at Double Delta R&D Ltd., a Hungarian research and development SME providing research and consultancy services in the fields of fish physiology, biochemistry, endocrinology, aquaculture technologies, conservation, and food safety. It performs production systems related data analysis, farming facilities inspection, optimisation of processing technologies, hazard and risk assessment, and estimation of environmental impact of production. DD possesses fish farming facility for tank-scale experiments and laboratory equipped for general chemical/biochemical processing and analysis. Dr. Bukovskaya is highly experienced experimental biologist and research administrator involved in the studies of fish endocrinology and reproductive physiology for more than 15 years, former Royal Postdoctoral Fellow. She has published more than 50 research papers (including more than 20 peer-reviewed articles) on fish physiology. Previously she was working as Hungarian research team leader in two EC FAIR projects, in addition to the latter, as a team member she was assigned to research teams of 7 EC projects within 4th and 5th FPs. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Mr Tomasz Krol, owner of the Polish SME Fish-Farm Krol Tomasz (FishF-PL) will be responsible for the experimental work to be carried out at FishF-PL. FishF-PL is both farming and processing carp. The species are farmed in ponds. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />