SEAFOODplus invites industry representatives, scientists and policy makers to attend
The Fifth Open Conference 'A better life with seafood'
8-10 June 2008 at The Circus Building, Copenhagen, Denmark
There will be a Market Place and posters displayed during the Conference
For further information contact: Coordinator Torger Børresen tb(at) phone: +45 45 25 25 77
Secretariat manager Jette Donovan Jensen jej(at) phone: +45 45 25 25 75
Session 1 Seafood and nutrition
Gertjan Schaafsma, NL, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 1
Cindy Davis, USA, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
The session will contain three presentations, one of which will be given by Liz Lund (IFR, UK) on fish consumption modifying risk of colorectal disease in humans. Results will be presented from an intervention study (FISHGASTRO) started shortly after the launching of SEAFOODplus and codes broken in the spring of 2008. The outcome of a four year study will thus be presented for the first time. Results from the projects YOUNG, studying the health of young European families, and METAHEART, studying n-3 fatty acids and heart disease, will also be presented.
Session 2 Seafood and consumers
Karen Brunsø, DK, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 2
Richard Shepherd, UK, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
The session will contain presentations from all four projects within this RTD area. Of special interest is a presentantions by Svein Ottar Olsen (Nomifa, NO) on testing new seafood products for ‘real’ consumers in project CONSUMEREVALUATE, in which consumer evaluation and willingness to buy convenience and tailor-made seafood products has been studied. The other projects are CONSUMERSURVEY, SEAFOODSENSE and SEA-INFOCOM. Within the SEAFOODSENSE project a special Sensory Quality Model has been developed and it will be explained how this has been applied in the last phases of the project. The model will be directly applicable in product development, storage and distribution, as well as marketing of seafood.
Session 3 Seafood Safety
Bill Doré, IE, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 3
Steve Otwell, USA, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
Within this RTD area four projects have been active, of which two (REDRISK and BIOCOM) were finished after the third project year. Major achievement from all four projects will be highlighted and details filled in for the latest results of the projects being active until the end of the SEAFOODplus period. These are REFHEPA and SEABAC. Whithin REFHEPA standardised methods have been developed and validated for the detection of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and norovirus (NoV) in bivalve molluscan shellfish. In SEABAC real-time PCR and nucleic acid hybridisation assays for the detection of total and thermostable direct and direct related haemolysins of V. parahaemolyticus have been developed. A standard operating procedure for a pulse field gel electrophoresis method for vibrios has also been produced.
Session 4 Seafood from source to consumer products
Joop Luten, NO, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 4
Michael Morrissey, USA, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
This is one of the major sessions with presentations from four projects and one industry company. In the project PROPEPHEALTH promising results have been obtained with health promoting components extracted from fish protein hydrolysates, and in project HURDLETECH new processing techniques have been developed for reducing growth of microorganisms. These techniques are now being brought to use in a demonstration project for the processing industry. The latest results from the projects LIPIDTEXT and CONSUMERPRODUCTS will also be presented. Within LIPIDTEXT a pioneering work has been performed with a liposome assay which has resulted in a new theory for iron catalysed oxidation of seafood. In CONSUMERPRODUCTS new methodologies for consumer driven functional seafood product development will be presented. Finally, the success of collaboration with industry will be presented by an industry representative including a product show with the title: 'A cocktail of science, industry and culinology'.
Session 5 Seafood from aquaculture
Børge Damsgård, NO, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 5
Ole Torrissen, NO, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
In this session major results from the two projects within this RTD area will be presented, and a contribution from an industry representative wll be given. Within BIOQUAL the physiological and genetic basis of important quality characteristics of farmed fish has been studied. Some of the studies have concerned cod, and genetic differentiation strongly suggests that cod populations are adapted to local environmental conditions. Among results from the ETHIQUAL project can be mentioned observations on feeding behaviour as a major indicator of adaptation potential and welfare. New tests have been exteneded to different strains of sea bass.
Session 6 Seafood and traceability
Erling Larsen, DK, coordinator of SEAFOODplus RTD area 6
Allan Bremner, AUS, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
In this session the latest development in the projects in the horizontal RTD activity on traceability will be reported. The three projects are METHODS, IMPLEM and VALID, indicating the contents as concerning methodology, implementation and validation respectively. Within the first of these projects a new manual for Good Traceability Practice, to be used by the industry, will be presented. In the second project, IMPLEM, extensive tests have been performed for implementing the use of RFID tags for carrying relevant traceability information. In the last of the three projects, VALID, a database on DNA sequences has been established for 53 fish species.
Session 7 Integration within SEAFOODplus
Torger Børresen, DK, Coordinator SEAFOODplus
Joop Luten, NO, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 4
One of the main challenges in SEAFOODplus has been to integrate research between disciplines as different as human nutrition, seafood safety, consumer studies, seafood quality, fish farming and traceability. This integration has been made possible through identification of new projects across the ones planned from the beginning. Examples of such projects are ETHICOD and TRACESHELL. Another challenge has been the development of research to a stage where practical use can be demonstrated. An example of will be shown on how health promoting effects of fish protein hydrolysates have been tested.
Session 8 Cooperation with the seafood industry and future of SEAFOODplus
Moderators: Torger Børresen, DK, Coordinator SEAFOODplus
Begoña Peréz-Villarreal, ES, coordinator ITD area 3
In this session it will be explained how the cooperation with the seafood industry has been carried out in SEAFOODplus, and some of the demonstration projects will be presented highlighting how research results have been successfully transferred to use in industry.
Finally the future of SEAFOODplus after the present project period will be presented. A science based research platform will be established 1 January 2009. The present consortium members are so committed to continue the work of promoting good seafood science that they will support this platform. However, new members will also be invited to join the consortium. The launch has been published in the Parliament Magazine 17 March 2008, issue 263, page 52
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