SEAFOODplus is a large EU integrated research project, with the overall objective defined as:
To reduce health problems and to increase well-being among European consumers by applying the benefits obtained through consumption of health promoting and safe seafood products of high eating quality.
This includes integrating the information flow from primary producer to the other links in the chain by using new technologies regarding global batch identification, data capture, storage and transmission. Among the research partners in this task are SINTEF, DIFRES (The Danish Institute for Fisheries Research), NIFA (Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture) and AZTI (Technological Institute for Marine and Food Research, Spain).
InnovaRFID is partly financed by the Norwegian Research Council with Gilde Norsk Kjøtt (a major Norwegian meat producer) as the contract partner and SINTEF as the research partner. The main project objective is defined as: Develop innovative processes and solutions for operations and documentation by testing and implementing new wireless technologies for identification, data capture, sensors and location systems in a demanding industrial environment.
As the seafood and meat sectors have common fields of interests in this area, participants were gathered from the two projects and other invited parties for a workshop with the main objective of exchanging experiences and share ideas on future applications. The discussions at the workshop are being used as input for planning further activities in the two projects.
The results of the workshop are available in the Workshop Summary.