Joop Luten, NO, coordinator SEAFOODplus RTD area 4
Michael Morrissey, USA, member of SEAFOODplus External Advisory Board
This was one of the major sessions with presentations from four projects and one industry company. In the project PROPEPHEALTH promising results have been obtained with health promoting components extracted from fish protein hydrolysates, and in project HURDLETECH new processing techniques have been developed for reducing growth of microorganisms. These techniques are now being brought to use in a demonstration project for the processing industry. The latest results from the projects LIPIDTEXT and CONSUMERPRODUCTS were also presented. Within LIPIDTEXT a pioneering work has been performed with a liposome assay which has resulted in a new theory for iron catalysed oxidation of seafood. In CONSUMERPRODUCTS new methodologies for consumer driven functional seafood product development were presented. Finally, the success of collaboration with industry was presented by an industry representative including a product show with the title: 'A cocktail of science, industry and culinology'.