RTD 6 Horizontal activity Seafood traceability to ensure consumer confidence

Consumers want to know where the seafood originates from, whether it has been produced by environmentally friendly methods and if it can be documented that the product is safe to eat. The data handling in the seafood production chain today is fragmented and valuable information is lost, so full traceability is not achieved. A systematic approach is thus needed to introduce a homogeneous validated traceability system.


The main objective in the first project is the development of a traceability vocabulary based on existing traceability standards in other food sectors and the development of Good Traceability Practice guidelines in order to define the requirements for the management of operations in the seafood production chain.


In the second project the main objective is to integrate the information flow from primary producer, with new technologies regarding global batch identification, data capture, storage and transmission to the other links in the chain. A selected number of key seafood chains will be analysed for this purpose.  


Validation of the developed and implemented traceability systems is the main objective in the third project including also the validation of traceability data deriving from other tools, e.g. authenticity.



Horizontal activity projects

Horizontal activity Seafood traceability to ensure consumer confidence: Methodology
Project 6.2 Implementation
Horizontal activity Seafood traceability to ensure consumer confidence: Implementation
Project 6.3 Validation
Horizontal activity Seafood traceability to ensure consumer confidence: Validation