Welcome to the SEAFOODplus Research Platform

The Integrated Project SEAFOODplus finished as planned on time by the end of 2008 after five full years of operation. For details on the project and results please open the door Previous FP6 research project when opening www.seafoodplus.org. But the successful collaboration could not stop just because the planned project period came to an end. A Research Platform was thus launched in 2009 based on the good experiences obtained in the project period. The founding members were the previous partners in the FP6 project, but new members have also joined, and there is still an opening for recruiting new members. The vision and the mission of the SEAFOODplus Research Platform can be found in the panel to the left. The main purpose is to pursue and coordinate the best seafood research, with the main focus on Europe, but with a wider view towards the rest of the world. Members can be research groups, academic institutions, or industry. SME’s are particularly welcome.

The SEAFOODplus Research Platform as described above discontinued its activities in 2015, and members, old and new, are encouraged to become members of the Seafood Subgroup of European Society for Marine Biotechnology. This group will take over and continue activities performed by the SEAFOODplus Research Platform. The new membership is on a personal basis for an annual fee of 50 euro. Please look up further details at www.esmb.org.

Interesting workshops are in the making!
For more information on workshops and conferences, please consult www.esmb.org.
More news on workshops will follow