The results from the SEAFOODplus project are being published in international journals with a referee system. The present list contains publications having been accepted and printed in the journals. More results have been reported in papers having been forwarded for review, and are presently in the process of being refereed. When accepted for publication they will be added to the list.
Brillet, A., Pilet, M.F., Prevost, H., Bouttefroy, A. and F. Leroi. (2004). Biodiversity of Listeria monocytogenes sensitivity to bacteriocin-producing Carnobacterium strains and application in sterile cold-smoked salmon. J. Appl. Microbiol., 97, 1029-1037
Lebois M., Connil N., Onno B., Prevost H. and Dousset X. (2004). Effects of divercin V41 combined to NaCl content, phenol (liquid smoke) concentration and pH on Listeria monocytogenes ScottA growth in BHI broth by an experimental design approach. J. Appl. Microbiol. 96:931-937
Rachman C, Kabadjova P, Valcheva R, Prevost H, Dousset X. (2004) Identification of Carnobacterium species by restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 16S-23S rRNA gene intergenic spacer region and species-specific PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004 70(8):4468-77
Ribeiro Neunlist M., M. Ralazamahaleo, J. M. Cappelier, V. Besnard, M. Federighi and F. Leroi (2004). Effect of salting and cold-smoking process on the culturability, viability and virulence of Listeria monocytogenes strain Scott A. Journal of Food Protection. 68(1): 85-91
Richard C, Drider D, Elmorjani K, Marion D, Prevost H. (2004) Heterologous expression and purification of active divercin V41, a class IIa bacteriocin encoded by a synthetic gene in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol. (13):4276-84
Borderias A.J., Sanchez-Alonso I. and Perez-Mateos M. (2005): New applications of fibres in foods : addition to fishery products. Trends Food Sci 16:458-465
Bosch, F.X. Abad & R.M. Pintó (2005) Human pathogenic viruses in the marine environment. In “Oceans and Health: Pathogens in the Marine Environment”, S. Belkin, R. Colwell (Eds.), 2005. Springer, New York, NY, pp 109-131
Brillet A., Pilet M.F., Prevost H., and Leroi F. (2005): Effect of inoculation of Carnobacterium divergens V41, a biopreservative strain against Listeria monocytogenes risk, on the microbiological, chemical and sensory quality of cold-smoked salmon. Int J Food Microbiol 104:309-324
Cros S., Lignot B., Bourseau P., Jaouen P., Prost C. (2005): Desalination of mussel cooking juices by electrodialysis: effect on the aroma profile. J Food Engin, 69:425-436
Cros S., B. Lignot, P. Bourseau, P. Jaouen. Reverse osmosis for the production of aromatic concentrates from mussel cooking juices: a technical assessment, Desalination. 2005, 180: 263-269
Damsgård, B. (2005): Ethical quality and welfare in farmed fish. EAS, Special Publication. 35:28-32
Emborg, J., Laursen, B.G., Dalgaard, P. Significant histamine formation in tuna (Thunnus albacares) at 2°C - effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on psychrotolerant bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2005 (101) 263-279
Ghorbel S., Souissi N., Triki-Ellouz R., Dufossé L., Guérard F., Nasri M. (2005): Preparation and testing of Sardinella protein hydrolysate as nitrogen source for an extracellular lipase production by Rhizopus oryzae. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 21:33-38
Guérard F, Sellos D, Le Gal Y. (2005): ‘Fish and Shellfish Upgrading, Traceability’ in Le Gal Y & Ulber R, Marine Biotechnology I, Series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology, Vol. 96, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 3-540-25659-8, pp127-16
Guerard F., Sumaya-Martinez M.T., Linard B., Dufosse L. (2005): Marine protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties. Agro FOOD Industry Hi-tech, 16(3):16-18
Le Gal Y. and Ulber R. (2005) editors Marine Biotechnology I and II. Vol 96 and 97 of Adv. In Biochemical engineering /Biotechnology Springer 2005
Marteinsdottir, G., Ruzzante, D. E., and Nielsen, E. E. (2005): History of the North Atlantic cod stocks. ICES C.M. 2005/ AA:19, Copenhagen: ICES, pp. 1-17
Neunlist, M.R., Ralazamahaleo, M. Cappelier, J.M., Besnard, V., Federighi, M. and Leroi, F. (2005): Effect of salting and cold-smoking process on the culturability, viability and virulence of Listeria monocytogenes strain Scott A., Journal of Food Protection, 68 (1): 85-91
Nielsen, E.E., Grønkjær, P., Meldrup, D. & Paulsen, H. (2005): Retention of juveniles within a hybrid zone between North Sea and Baltic Sea cod (Gadus morhua). Can J Fisheries Aquatic Sci 62:2219-2225
Olsen, P: “Standard method for analyzing material flow, information flow and information loss in food supply chains”. Submitted 2005. Journal of Supply Chain Management
Pazos, M., Sánchez, L. and Medina, I. (2005): Alpha-tocopherol oxidation in fish muscle during chilling and frozen storage. J Agric Food Chem 53 (10):4000-4005
Picot L., Bordenave-Juchereau S., Didelot S., Zhao Q.Y., Murillo L., Fruitier-Arnaudin I., Sannier F., Thorkelsson G. and Piot J-M. (2005): Research of in vitro anticancer peptides from fish protein hydrolysates. FEBS J 272 suppl 1:159
Pieniak Z., Verbeke W., Fruensgard L., Brunsø K. and Olsen S.O. (2005): Determinants of fish consumption: role and importance of information. Polish J Human Nutr Metabol 31:409-414
Pommepuy M., Hervio-Heath D., Caprais M.P., Gourmelon M., Le Saux J.C. Le Guyader S. F. - Fecal contamination in coastal areas : an engineering approach. - Oceans and Health: Pathogens in the Marine Environment. - S. Belkin and R. R. Colwell Eds) Springer, New York, USA. 2005 P. 331-359
Sanchez-Alonso I. and Borderias A.J. (2005): Fibra de trigo como ingrediente fuctional en productos reestructurados a partir de musculo picado de jurel (Trachurus trachurus). In : Avances de la Ciencia y Tecnologia de los alimentos en los inicios del siglo XXI. Ed. Universidad de Burgos. 833-836
Siikawopio S. I., Saether B.S. Effects of chronic nitrite exposure on growth in juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Aquaculutre. 2005, 255: 351-356
Sumaya-Martinez M.T., Thomas S., Linard B., Binet A., Guerard F. (2005): Effect of Maillard reaction conditions on browning and increase in antiradical activity. Food Res Int, 38:1045-1050
Verbeke W. and Vackier I. (2005). Individual determinants of fish consumption: application of the theory of planned behaviour. Appetite, 44: 67-82
Verbeke W., Sioen I., Pieniak Z. , Van Camp J. and De Henauw S. (2005). Consumer perception versus scientific evidence about health benefits versus safety risks from fish consumption. Public Health Nutrition 8: 422-429
Aksnes, A., Hope, B., Albrektsen, A. (2006): Size fractionated fish hydrolysate as feed ingredient for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed high plant protein diets. II: Flesh quality, absorption retention and fillet levels of taurine and anserine. Aquaculture, 261: 318-326
Aksnes, A., Hope, B., Høstmark, Ø., Albrektsen, S. (2006): Inclusion of size fractionated fish hydrolysate in high plant protein diets for Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Aquaculture 261: 1102-1110
Aksnes, A., Hope, B., Jönsson, E., Björnsson B.Th., Albrektsen, A. (2006): Size fractionated fish hydrolysate as feed ingredient for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed high plant protein diets. I: Growth, growth regulation and feed utilization. Aquaculture, 261: 305-317
Batista, C. Pires, R. Nelhas, and Godinho V. (2006): Acid and alkaline-aided protein recovery from Cape hake by-products” in: “Seafood research from fish to dish. Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish” edited by J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, and J. Oehlenschläger. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 427-438
Bekkevold, D., Hansen, M.M. & Meldrup D. (2006) Genetic impact of gadoid culture on wild fish populations: predictions, lessons from salmonids and possibilities for minimising adverse effects. ICES Jurnal of Marine Science, 63, 198-208
Brillet A., Pilet M.F., Horakova S., Courcoux P., Prevost H. And Leroi F. 2006. Optimization of growth and bacteriocin production of Carnobacterium divergens V41, an interesting bacteriocinproducing strain for the biopreservation of cold-smoked fish, by batch fermentation ina culture medium deprived of protein of animal origin.
Brouwer I.A., Zock P.L., Camm A.J., Böcker D., Hauer R.N.M., Wever E.F.D., Dullemejer C., Ronden J.E., Katan M.B., Lubinski A., Buschler H., Schouten E.G. (2006): Effect of fish oil on ventricular tachyarrhythmia and death in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. JAMA 295: 2613-2619
Brunsø, K., Verbeke, W. Olsen, S. O. & Jeppesen, L. F.. 2006. Motives, barriers and quality evaluation in fish consumption situations: A comparison between heavy and light users in Spain and Belgium. British Food Journal. In press
Chabeaud, A. (2006): Evaluation of antioxidant activities in by-product hydrolysates: fractionation and concentration of active molecules using ultra- and nanofiltration membranes. In: Seafood research from fish to dish. Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish” edited by J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, and J. Oehlenschläger. Wageningen Academic Publishers, p 419-426
Consuegra, S. and Johnston, I. A. (2006). Polymorphism of the lysyl oxidase gene in relation to muscle collagen cross-link concentration in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Res. 37, 1699-1702
Cruz Z., Lauzon H.L., Arboleya J.C., Nuin M., Martínez de Marañón I. and Amarita F. (2006). Antmicrobial effect of chitosan on micro-organisms isolated from fishery product. Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø and J. Oehlenschlager eds., Wageningen Academic Publishers, 387-393.
Costafreda M.I., Bosch A. and Pinto R.M. (2006): Development, evaluation, and standardization of a real-time TaqMan reverse transcription-PCR assay for quantification of Hepatitis A virus in clinical and shellfish samples. Appl Environm Microbiol 72: 3846-3855
Covès D., G. Dutto, J. Attia, M. Beauchaud & M.L. Bégout. Longterm monitoring of individual fish triggering activity on a self-feeding system: an example using European sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax, L.). Aquaculture. 2006, 253: 385-392.
Croci L., Losio M.N., Suffredini E., Pavioni E., Di Pasquale S., Fallacara F. and Arcangeli G. 2006. Assessment of human enteric viruses in shellfish from the Northern Adriatic Sea. Int J Food Microbiol. 2007, 114: 252-257
Croci L., Suffredini E., Cozzi L., Toti L., Ottaviani D., Pruzzo C., Serratore P., Fischetti R., Goffredo E., Lofffredo G. and Mioni R. (2006): Comparison of different biochemical and molecular methods for the identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J Appl Microbiol 2006: 1-9
Cruz Z., Lauzon H.L., Arboleya J.C., Nuin M., Martínez de Marañón I. and Amarita F. (2006): Antmicrobial effect of chitosan on micro-organisms isolated from fishery product. Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø and J. Oehlenschlager eds., Wageningen Academic Publishers, 387-393.
Cudennec B., Rousseau M., Lopez E., Fouchereau-Peron M. CGRP stimulates gill carbonic anhydrase activity in molluscs via a common CT/CGRP receptor. Peptides. 2006, 27: 2678-2682
Dalgaard P. and Emborg J. (2006): Hornfisk og histaminforgiftning – årsag og forebyggelse. FISK & HAV 60: 4-11
Dalgaard, H.L. Madsen, N. Samieian and J. Emborg. Biogenic amine formation and microbial spoilage in chilled garfish (Belone belione belone) – effect of modified atmosphere packaging and previous frozen storage. Journal of Applied Microbiology (Related to BIOCOM although experiments have been carried out within other projects). 2006, 101: 80-95
Den Ruijter H.M., Verkerk A.O., Berecki G., Bakker D., Van Ginneken A.C.G. and Coronel R. (2006): Dietary fish oil reduces the occurence of early afterdepolarizations in pig ventricular myocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol 41: 914-917
Dumay, J., Donnay-Moreno, C., Barnathan, G., Jaouen, P., Berge, J. P. (2006): Improvement of lipid and phospholipid recoveries from sardine (Sardina pilchardus) viscera using industrial proteases. Process Biochem 41(11): 2327-2332
Emborg J. and Dalgaard P. (2006): Formation of histamine and biogenic amines in cold-smoked tuna: an investigation of psychrotolerant bacteria from samples implicated in cases of histamine fish poisoning. J Food Prot 69: 897-906
Emborg J., Dalgaard P. and Ahrens P. (2006): Morganella psychrotolerans sp. nov. a histamine-producing bacterium isolated from various seafood. Int J System Evol Microbiol 56: 2473-2479
Etienne, M. (2006). ”Methodology for histamine and biogenic amines analysis”. Submitted to publication at Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire
Gormley, TR. (2006): Fish as a functional food. Food Sci Technol 20(3): 25-28
Gotensparre, S. M., Anderssen, E. Wargelius, A., Hansen, T., Johnston, I.A. (2006): Insight into the complex genetic network of tetraploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Description of multiple novel Pax-7 splice variants. Gene 373: 8-15
Green-Petersen D. M.B., Nielsen J. and Hyldig G. (2006): Sensory profile of the most common salmon products on the Danish market. J Sensory Studies. 21(4): 415-427
Gunnarsdottir I, Einarsdottir K, Thorsdottir I. The use weight loss menues for overweight Icelanders aged 20-40 years. Laeknabladid. 2006;92(2):107-12. Icelandic.
Hagen Ö., Solberg C. and Johnston A. A. (2006): Sexual dimorphism of fast muscle fibre recruitment in farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture 261: 1222-1229
Iglesias J., Gonzalez J. and Medina I. 2006. Determination of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid in fish muscle by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection. Eur Food Res Technol. 2006, 223: 781-786
Jaquen P., Kechaou E., Bourseau P., Vandanjon L. and Berge J.-P. 2006. Membrane separation processes in marine related activities : seafood processing effluents, aquaculture and marine biotechnology. Submitted to Separ Sci Technol
Lafont AG, Fitzpatrick T, Rankin C, Dufour S, Fouchereau-Peron M. (2006): Possible role of calcitonin gene related peptide in osmoregulation via the endocrine control of the gill in a teleost, the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Peptides, 27: 812-819
Larsen E.H., Lobinski R., Burger-Meyer K., Hansen M., Ruzik R., Mazurowska L., Have Rasmussen P., Sloth J.J., Scholten O. and Kik Ch. (2006): Uptake and speciation of selenium in garlic cultivated in soil amended with symbiotic fungi (mycorrhiza) and selenate. Anal Bioanal Chem 385: 1098-1108
Lasagabaster A. and Martínez de Marañón I. (2006): Inactivation of microorganisms isolated from fishery products by pulsed light. In Seafood research from fish to dish, quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Ed. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, J. Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 381-386
Le Saux J.C., Derolez V., Brest G., Le Guyader F.and Pommepuy M., - Elaboration of a strategy to limit shellfish viral contamination. - Molluscan Safety Galway, edt Marine Insitute, Ir. 2006. 342-349
Lorentzen G., Olsen R.L., Bjørkevoll I., Skjerdal T. (2006). Survival and growth of Listeria spp. In cod (Gadus morhua L.) during salt-curing and rehydration
Luten J. and Schram E. (2006): Enrichment of functional selenium in farmed African catfish (Clarias goriepinus) by dietary modulation. In Seafood research from fish to dish, quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Ed. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, J. Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 193-200
Magnusson H., Sveinsdottir K., Lauzon H.L., Thorkelsdottir A. and Martinsdottir E. (2006): Keeping quality of desalted cod fillets in consumer packs. Food Microbiol Safety 71: M69-M76
Martinez I. (2006) Revision of analytical methodologies to verify the production method of fish. In Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Eds. Luten, J.B., Jacobsen, C., Bekaert, K., Sæbo, A. and Oehlenschläger, J. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 541-550
Matamoros S., Pilet M.F., Prevost H. and Leroi F. (2006): Selection of psychotrophic bacteria active against spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms relevant for seafood products. Seafood research from fish to dish, quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Ed. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, J. Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Pp. 395-402
Mozuraityte R., Rustad, T. and Storrø, I. (2006): Pro-oxidant activity of Fe2+ in oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 108(3): 218-226
Mozuraityte, R., Rustad, T. and Storrø, I. (2006): Oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes: Effects of salts, pH and zeta potential. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 108: 944-950
Nielsen, E.E., Hansen, M.M., and Meldrup D. (2006): Evidence of microsatellite hitch-hiking selection in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): Implications for inferring population structure in non-model organisms. Mol Ecol 15: 3219-3229
Nordstrom, J.L., Rangdale, R., Wagley, S., Vickery, M.C.L., Phillips, A., and DePaola, A. (2006): Evaluation of an Alkaline Phoshpatase Oligonucleotide Probe for the Detection of the Thermostable-Related Hemolysin (trh) Gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus J Food Prot 69(11): 2770-2772
Picot L., Bordenave S., Didelot S., Fruitier-Arnaudin I., Sannier F., Thorkelsson G., Bergé J.P., Guérard F., Chabeaud A. and Piot J.M. Antiproliferative activity of fish hydrolysates on human breast cancer cell lines. Process Biochemistry. 2006, 41: 1217-1222
Olsvik, P.A., Kristensen, T., Waagbø, R., Tollefsen, K.-E., Rosseland, B.O. and Toften, H. (2006): Effects of hypo- and hyperoxia on transcription levels of five stress genes and the glutathione system in liver of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. J Exp Biol, 209: 2893-2901
Pedro S., Castro S., Santos M and Santos A.T. (2006): Characterisation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood products. In Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Eds. Luten, J.B., Jacobsen, C., Bekaert, K., Sæbo, A. and Oehlenschläger, J. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 371-380
Pieniak, Z., Verbeke, W., Brunsø, K. and Olsen, S.O. (2006): Consumer knowledge and interest in information about fish. In: Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Eds. Luten, J.B., Jacobsen, C., Bekaert, K., Sæbo, A. and Oehlenschläger, J. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. p. 229-239
Verkerk A.O., Van Ginneken A.C.G., Berecki G., Den Ruijter H.M., Schumacher C.A., Veldkamp M.W., Baartscheer A., Casini S., Opthof T., Hovenier R., Fiolet J.W.T., Zock P.L. and Coronel R. (2006): Incorporated sarcolemmal fish oil fatty acids shorten pig vetricular action potentials. Cardiovascular Res 70: 509-520
Vieira, V.L.A., Norris, A. And Johnston, I.A. (2006). Heritability of fibre number in fish and size parameters and their genetic relation to flesh quality traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar.). Aquaculture 2007, 5100-5109
Parra D, Bandarra NM, Thorsdottir I, Kiely M, Martínez JA. Impact of fish intake on oxidative stress when included into a moderate energy-restricted program to treat obesity. Eur J Nutr, 2006;46:460-7
Pilet, M.F., A. Brillet, S. Matamoros, C. Blanchet-Chevrollier, F. Leroi and H. Prévost (2006) : Selection of non-tyramine producing Carnobacterium strains for the biopreservation of cold smoked salmon. In : Seafood research from fish to dish, quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Edited by J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, J. Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Pp 403-410
Pommepuy M., Bosch A., de Roda A.M., Husman, Svensson L., Loisy F., Cohen J., Atmar R.L., van der Pelt-Heershap H., Caprais M.P., Le Saux J.C., Brest G. and Le Guyader F., - Viral shellfish contamination and consumer protection : data and recommendations from the Virus Safe Seafood. - Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway, edt Marine Institute, Ir. 2006. 437-450
Rosa R., Bandarra N. and Nunes M.L. 2006. Effect of different cooking methods on the nutritional composition of North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Int J Food Sci Technol
Sanchez-Alonso I., Haji-Maleki R. and Borderias Juarez A.J. 2006. Wheat fibre as a functional ingredient in restructured fish products. Food Chem. 100:1037-1043
Sanchez-Alonso I., Haji-Maleki R and Borderias A.J. (2006): Effect of wheat fibre in frozen stored fish muscular gels. Eur Food Res Technol. 223: 571-576
Sanchez-Alonso I., Jimenez-Escrig A., Saura-Calixto F. and Borderias A.J. (2006): Effect of grape antioxidant dietary fibre on the prevention of lipid oxidation in minced fish: Evaluation by different methodologies. Food Chem. 101: 372-378
Sanchez-Alonso I., Jimenez-Escrig A., Saura-Calixto F. and Borderias A.J. (2006): Effect of grape antioxidant dietary fibre on the prevention of lipid oxidation in minced fish: Evaluation by different methodologies. In Seafood research from fish to dish, quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Ed. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø, J. Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 95-104
Sánchez, G., R.M. Pintó, M.I. Costafreda, L. Aragonès, F.X. Abad and A. Bosch. (2006): Hepatitis A virus: New insights on a well knownshellfish-borne viral pathogen. “Molluscan Shellfish Safety”, K. Henshilwood, et., (Eds.), The Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Galway, Ireland, pp 307-311
Scholderer, J., Olsen, S. O., Brunsø, K. Honkanen, P. Verbeke, W. & Pieniak, Z. 2006. The relative importance of habitual and deliberative factors in food consumer behaviour. Appetite. 47(2):276
Skjerdal T., Lorentzen G. and Bjørkevoll I. 2006. The relevance of spoilage versus pathogenic bacteria in preserved and unpreserved ready-to-use products of salt-cured cod (Gadus morhua)
Stenvik, J., Wesmajervi, M., Fjalestad, K.T., Damsgård, B. & Delghandi., M. (2006). Development of 25 gene-associated microsatellite markers of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) Molecular Ecology. 6: 1105-1107
Stenvik, J., Wesmajervi, M., Damsgård, B. & Delghandi., M. 2006. Genotyping of pantophysin I (Pan I) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Molecular Ecology, 6: 272-275
Stoknes I.S., Oehlenschläger J. and Gormley R. (2006): Quality evaluation of silver smelt (Argentina silus) and its suitability for seafood products: Compilation of results from three European research centres. In Seafood research from fish to dish: Quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Eds. Luten, J.B., Jacobsen, C., Bekaert, K., Sæbo, A. and Oehlenschläger, J. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 439-456
Sveinsdottir K., Martinsdottir E., Green-Petersen D., Hyldig G., Schelvis R. And Delahunty C. 2006. Sensory characteristics of different cod products and consumer preferences. European sensory network
Van de Vis, H., Bialowas, H., Pilarczyk, Machiels, M., Reimert, H., Veldman, M and Lambooij, B. (2006): Comparison of commercial and experimental slaughter of farmed carp (Cyprinus caprio) with respect to development of rigor mortis and flesh quality. In: (eds. J.B. Luten, C. Jacobsen, K. Bekaert, A. Sæbø and J. Oehlenschläger) Seafood research from fish to dish. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands, pp. 201-210
Bandarra N.M., Monteiro M., Martinez J.A., Kiely M. and Thorsdottir I. (2007): Erythrocyte membrane fatty acid incorporation as a marker of fish diet in young overweight Europeans. J. Aquatic Food Prod. Technol. 16 (4): 3-11
Bragadottir M, Reynisson E, Thorarinsdottir K A and Arason S. 2007. ‘Stability of fish powder made from saithe (Pollachius virens) as measured by lipid oxidation and functional properties’, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 16 (1):115-136
Berecki G, Den Ruijter HM, Verkerk AO, Schumacher CA, Baartscheer A, Bakker D, Boukens BJ, van Ginneken AC, Fiolet JW, Opthof T, Coronel R. 2007. Dietary fish oil reduces the incidence of triggered arrhythmias in pig ventricular myocytes. Heart Rhythm. 4:1452-60.
Bonilla, A. C., Sveinsdottir, K., Martinsdottir, E. 2007. Development of Quality Index Method (QIM) scheme for fresh cod (Gadus morhua) fillets and application in shelf life study. Food Control. 18(4): 352-358
Coronel R., Wilms-Schopman F.J.G., Den Ruijter H.M., Belterman C.N., Schumacher C.A., Opthof T., Hovenier R., Lemmens A.G., Terpstra A.H.M., Katan M.B. and Zock P. (2007): Dietary n-3 fatty acids promote arrhythymias during acute regional myocardial ischemia in isolated pig hearts. Cardiovascular Res 73: 386-394
Croci L., Elisabetta Suffredini, Loredana Cozzi, Mara Paniconi, Gianni Ciccaglioni, Mauro M. Colombo. Evaluation of different PCR methods for the identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus starins isolated by cultural methods. Journal of AOAC International. 2007, 90 (6): 1588-1597
Croci L., Suffredini E., Cozzi L., Toti L., Ottaviani D., Pruzzo C., Serratore P., Fischetti R., Goffredo E., Loffredo G., Mioni R. (2007): Comparison of different biochemical and molecular methods for the identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J.Appl.Microbiol. 102: (1) 229-237
De Medici D., E. Suffredini, S.Crudeli, F.M. Ruggeri. 2007. Effectiveness of an RT-booster-PCR for detection of Noroviruses in stools collected after an outbreak of gastroenteritis. Journal of Virological Methods 144: 161-164
Den Ruijter H.M., Berecki G., Opthof T., Verkerk A.O., Zock P.L. and Coronel R. (2007): Pro- and antiarrhythmic properties of a diet rich in fish oil. Cardiovascular Res 73: 316-325
Dolores Parra, Narcisa M. Bandarra, Inga Thorsdottir, Mairead Kiely, J. Alfredo Martínez. 2007. Impact of fish intake on oxidative stress when included into a moderate energy-restricted program to treat obesity. Eur J Nutr. 46 : 460-467
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