National Contact Points - Norway

Joop Luten, NIFA, is a contact person in Norway.

He is coordinator of RTD Pillar 4 in SEAFOODplus, and is European Business Developer at the Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NIFA). He was previously head of the Department of Seafood and Aquaculture of the Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research, a position he has had for more than 15 years. He has more then 25 years management experience in the area of seafood research. Since the first EU framework programme in the nineties he has been coordinator of a large number of EU projects within the FAR, AIR and FAIR programmes. He is manager of QIM-Eurofish, a strategic alliance between a number of European seafood research institutes in the area of quality assessment of fish.



Børge Damsgaard, NIFA, is a contact person in Norway.

He is coordinator of RTD Pillar 5 in SEAFOODplus and has a position as a principal scientist at NIFA. He has a wide research experience in experimental fish biology since 1990, including studies of physiological and behavioural effects of husbandry and aquaculture systems, using a wide range of methods and species such as Atlantic salmon, Arctic charr, cod and halibut. He has been coordinating a number of research projects and is active in several international projects. He is currently leading a 5-years strategic research program about ethical questions in farmed fish, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.



SEAFOODplus information in Norwegian

Spanske forbrukere er svært tilfredse med "fersk" oppdrettstorsk

Artikkel i Norsk Fiskeoppdrett, nr. 1, januar 2008, s. 12-15

Forfattere: Svein Ottar Olsen, NFH, UiT og Jens Østli, Fiskeriforskning, Tromsø


Associations in Norway

List of Associations for download and printing


 Norske Sjømatbedrifters Landsforening, NSL (Norwegian Seafood Association)

The objective of NSL is to attract businesses in the fishing industry in order to promote their common interests in the fields of business policy, economy and trade.


Norske Sjømatbedrifters Landsforening

P.O. box 639, Sentrum
NO-7406 Trondheim




 Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens landsforening, FHL (Norwegian Seafood Federation)

FHL represent all Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture industry, representing Norway’s largest export industry after oil and gas. Norway exports farmed and wild fish to 145 countries.


Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens landsforening

Visiting address: Sørkedalsveien 6,

P.O. box 5471 Majorstuen,

NO-0305 OSLO




 Norges Råfisklag (The Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation)

Through their services, the sales organisation shall safeguard fishermen's incomes and contribute to a sustainable and profitable growth in the Norwegian fishing industry.


Norges Råfisklag

Visiting address: Stortorget 2

P.O. box 6162

NO-9291 Tromsø




 Norges Sildesalgslag

Norges Sildesalgslag represent the production of herring in Norway, and the organisation aims to be cost conscious, keeping up a high level of ethical values both in harvesting and trade, paying attention to environmental values, and provide information service to both the fishing fleet and onshore industry.


Norges Sildesalgslag

Visiting address: Slottsgaten 3

P.O. box 7065





 Norges Fiskarlag

Norges Fiskarlag is a political independent Norwegian organisation based upon a voluntary membership of fishermen. The organisation works to improve the economic, social and cultural interests of the members.


Norges Fiskarlag


NO-7462 Trondheim




 Eksportutvalget for fisk (Norwegian Seafood Export Council)

Norwegian Seafood Export Council is the Norwegian seafood industry's combined marketing and information council. The goal of its operations is to increase the interest for and awareness of Norwegian seafood in Norway and globally. The industry finances activities of the council through a separate statutory fee on the export of Norwegian fish and seafood.


Eksportutvalget for fisk

Visiting address: Strandveien 106
P.O. box 6176
NO-9291 Tromsø




RUBIN is a foundation established in Norway in 1992, and works for increased and more profitable utilization of by-products from the fisheries and fish farming in Norway.



NO-7462 Trondheim



 Norges Kystfiskarlag

Norges Kystfiskarlag is an independent and democratic organisation for Norwegian coastal fishermen, offering memberships for owners and crews of the coastal fleet.


Norges kystfiskarlag

P.O. box 97NO-8380 Ramberg




 Fiskernes agnforsyning

The objective of the foundation is to organise and regulate the distribution of fish bait to a stable and economical sustainable price.


Fiskernes agnforsyning

P.O. box 732

NO-9257 Tromsø
