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News archive

Close links between projects on viruses in shellfish anticipated to produce increased safety for European consumers 07-02-04

Kick off meetings for REFHEPA and REDRISK were held on 6th and 7th of February at IFREMER, Issy-les-Moulineaux in Paris. These projects are closely linked and there will be considerable interaction between them throughout their lives. The projects will ensure the mobilisation of the leading scientis...


RTD Pillar 3 Kick off meetings for projects 3.1 REFHEPA and 3.2 REDRISK 07-02-04

Both meetings opened with a short presentation from Bill Dore the coordinator of pillar 3 outlining the structure and strategy of SEAFOODplus in general and Pillar 3 specifically. An emphasis was placed on the need for the two projects to work closely together and to investigate opportunities to lin...


High scientific output expected from RTD 4 pillar 'Seafood from source to consumer product' 04-02-04

In last week of January and first week of February the four kick off meetings of RTD 4 pillar were held. The research teams expect to submit approx. 25 publications in the first period of 18 months. Popular article about texture softening of muscle and an overview paper about by products from seafoo...


A better life with seafood 22-01-04

Consumer needs and demands are in focus in a new ambitious research project, SEAFOODplus


Luminous bacteria in first outbreak of histamine poisoning analysed in SEAFOODplus project 3.4. BIOCOM 16-01-04

End of January an outbreak of histamine fish poisoning occurred in Denmark. The project team of SEAFOODplus project 3.4. BIOCOM obtained samples of the implicated seafood and analyses showed the product to contain luminous bacteria.





2009 - (3 items)
2008 - (27 items)
2007 - (21 items)
2006 - (19 items)
2005 - (22 items)
2004 - (20 items)
2003 - (15 items)
2002 - (2 items)