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News archive

Standardization and validation of tools for fish species identification 09-01-08

In order for seafood products to be labeled correctly in several countries, it is necessary to identify various fish species. Different methodologies have been developed, in order to avoid possible fraud in the labeling of seafood products.


Public health risks associated with contaminated shellfish 06-01-08

A SEAFOODplus document has been prepared; reporting state-of-the-art on how virus contamination of shellfish can be rapidly detected and how improved control measures can be applied to diminish health risks for consumers.





2009 - (3 items)
2008 - (27 items)
2007 - (21 items)
2006 - (19 items)
2005 - (22 items)
2004 - (20 items)
2003 - (15 items)
2002 - (2 items)