Scientific Alert Notes

Model systems for studying biochemical changes in fish muscle successfully developed 30-05-05

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg have developed a new, sensory based model system for testing factors giving rancid taste in fish.


Natural antioxidants show great potential for use in seafood products 21-04-05

New evidence presented that caffeic acid, ferulic acid and chlorogenic acid prevents oxidation in minced horse mackerel.


New information on safety of a ready-to-use salt-cured cod product 23-03-05

Researchers at Norwegian Institute of Fisheries Research and Aquaculture are investigating how desalted cod products may become safe by hurdle technology.


Biopreservation a promising strategy to master Listeria monocytogenes risk in lightly preserved fish products 28-02-05

Listeria monocytogenes is the pathogenic bacterium responsible for listeriosis, which is a food-borne disease. Listeriosis is generally associated with a high mortality rate (20-40%). Populations at greatest risk are pregnant women, newborn infants, the elderly and people with a weak immune system.


Step forward in innovative tailor-made seafood with functional selenium components from plants 18-02-05

One of the objectives in project 4.4. CONSUMERPRODUCTS of SEAFOODplus is to develop innovative functional seafood products from farmed fish, containing health-promoting compounds. It is the aim to study the possibilities to incorporate Se-(alkyl)selenocysteine from vegetable origin via dietary modul...
