Scientific Alert Notes

Measuring fish welfare online 25-11-05

A new technology, called SmartTag, has been developed for SEAFOODplus with the purpose of monitoring fish welfare in the farming environment


The advanced COMET method successfully applied by SEAFOODplus researchers 21-11-05

The first, encouraging results have been obtained showing how DNA damage can be monitored in human biopsy samples. Read more about how the new method can be used in studying health benefits in intervention studies


Which information sources do consumers trust and how do consumers perceive the term traceability? 11-11-05

New research results tell which information consumers request and which sources of information they trust. Further, the studies explain how traceability is perceived in five European countries.


What do European consumers know about fish? 20-10-05

A recent study in five different European countries reveals what consumers know, and what they believe they know, about fish.


European fish consumption below recommended levels 14-10-05

A SEAFOODplus project delivers data showing that fish consumption in Europe is below the ‘twice a week’ recommendation, especially among young consumers.
