Project 1.1 FISHGASTRO

Gastro-intestinal health with special emphasis on reduction of risk of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease


5. Institute for Food Research (IFR), United Kingdom; 8. Wageningen University (WU-HNE) ,The Netherlands; 13. TNO Nutrition and Food Research (TNO), The Netherlands; 14. Friedrich Schiller University (FSU), Germany.


The main objective of the project is:

To clarify to what extent fish consumption improves the health of the gastrointestinal tract, what aspects of fish are important in this respect and what are the mechanisms of protection.


The research within the project is described in two major blocks of activities


Read about this and the other projects in RTD Pillar 1 Seafood and Human Nutrition in the Eurofish magazine article


On the way to better, healthier seafood products


Major research achievements

The major research achievements are described in the following subpages for each project year:


2004            2005           2006          2007        2008


The FISHGASTRO project is hosting the SEAFOODplus contact to the Associated Member INESMA



Projectleader FISHGASTRO

Dr. Elizabeth Lund