
This dissemination plan covers the dissemination beyond the consortium. External, professional partners will assist the team when adequate. The dissemination activities fall mainly into two categories: Under innovation the following dissemination activities can be identified: publications, web-site, leaflets, editorial page, conferences (main emphasis on innovation), press releases, interviews, FAO-AFPI network (see below), exhibitions and trade fairs. Under training: workshops, guidelines, brochures, manuals, conferences (main emphasis on training), e-learning platform, consultancy and advisory activities.

The dissemination of the objectives of SEAFOODplus, of progress of the work, of training courses and conferences offered, of important milestones reached which are of interest for the scientific community and of scientific results obtained during the project will be achieved by using the different dissemination tools, channels and media mentioned above.

Target groups. Dissemination will be tailor made for the specific target groups which can be identified as consumers and their associations, fish and seafood industry, SMEs, aquaculture, trade and retail, public administration, medical doctors and nutritionists, and academia (universities and public research institutions).

Consumers will be informed by brochures and flyers which will be prepared with the help of journalists or experts working in consumer organisations who translate the scientific terms into the language of the consumers to facilitate common understanding. Print-media, radio and TV will be used to spread the gained knowledge and the policy of SEAFOODplus as broad as possible mainly on a national basis. Further, special workshops and courses will be held to inform multipliers as consumers associations, teachers, dietetic specialists etc. about the progress of SEAFOODplus and about the milestones reached.

For the seafood industry, SMEs and aquaculture plants special courses and workshops will be prepared in close contact with the target group concerned. They will be organised in a way, which assures that results from SEAFOODplus and demands of target groups will be combined and met. Information about SEAFOODplus will also be communicated to the various associations of European seafood processors and will be distributed via their internal networks. Information stands will be present at major seafood and food exhibitions that offer the opportunity to meet and communicate with representatives from all areas of the seafood industry.

Retailers in Europe who are the direct link to the consumer when it comes to buying seafood, and who are an ideal distributor of newly gained knowledge to this target group on a low level of scientific abstraction, will be informed about those results of the project which are of direct interest for them regularly by using the distribution chain of the associations as a tool for wide dissemination.

Trade and governments will be reached via contributions in the journal 'Eurofish Magazine' which is issued bimonthly in 5000 issues. Cooperation with  EUROFISH is of particular importance since their network covers also Central and Eastern Europe. Further, EUROFISH is a very successful event organiser and can help considerably in developing events during the lifetime of SEAFOODplus to disseminate the results of research to end-users.


To make the scientific community aware of the scientific results for the presentation of these as platforms, publications in scientific journals, lectures at conferences, and contributions to books and specially targeted workshops (e.g. for nutritionists, food technologists or aquaculturists) will be organised. To make the workshops and conferences tailor made for the attendants conferences will be planned, held and results disseminated with help from professional partners.

The annual plenary meetings of   WEFTA (Western European Fish Technologists Association), which are organised in different European countries, and where the majority of European fish technologists from both public institutes and industry is present, will be used as a continuous forum for dissemination. Member institutes of WEFTA will also act as principal dissemination partners for other national research institutes and industry in their respective countries. Since the WEFTA conferences can only be used partly for dissemination activities of SEAFOODplus, satellite conference parallel to or before/after WEFTA meetings will be arranged having the advantage that a great number of interested target groups is already present.

In close co-operation with  FAO, Rome, the quality and the management of a network based on already existing internet tools ( OneFish,  NelFish) will be further developed as an integrated knowledge base via a network of experts for dissemination of information to help in securing consumer health and well-being related to the consumption of safe aquatic food of high nutritive quality. SEAFOODplus will be the institutional European partner in the 'Aquatic Food Product Initiative (AFPI)'. Members of that network assist also in the national dissemination of information including a pro-active close relationship with the industries and expected results include texts from scientific publications as well as technical notes summarising information for use by industry and national governments.