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News archive

Work Programme SEAFOODplus adopted by the Commission 21-10-03

On Tuesday 21 October the SEAFOODplus negotiation team headed by the coordinator Torger Børresen had a very good meeting with negotiators from the EU Commission, DG Research, in Brussels.


SEAFOODplus presentation at Norwegian Research Council meeting 31st October 02-10-03

The Norwegian research council will organise on 31st October an information day about the possibilities for projects within the Food Quality and Safety and other priorities of the 6th EU Framework programme. The head of the Unit for 'Food Quality' of DGXII Dr. Liam Breslin will present the outcome o...


SEAFOODplus council agreed on RTD and ITD budget proposal 28-08-03

On Thursday 18th September a meeting was held of the SEAFOODplus council at Centro Technologico del Mar (CETMAR) in Vigo (Spain).

The council meeting, chaired by Torger Børresen discussed the proposals regarding the revised workprogramme of SEAFOODplus and the corresponding budgets for RTD and ITD ...


Budget RTD meeting Copenhagen 28 August 28-08-03

On 29 August a RTD meeting of SEAFOODplus was held in order to discuss the outcome of the scientific evaluation report of the Commission on the SEAFOODplus proposal and in particular the needed reduction in EU grant. The requested EU grant was 26.6 MEuro for SEAFOODplus but the EU grant available is...


SEAFOODplus passed scientific evaluation successfully! 28-07-03

The good news has been received: The SEAFOODplus proposal passed the scientific evaluation by the EU Commission with very high scores. Out of 30 possible points, the proposal received 27! Within the area of Priority 5, Food Quality and Safety, 69 proposals for Integrated Projects (IP) were received,...





2009 - (3 items)
2008 - (27 items)
2007 - (21 items)
2006 - (19 items)
2005 - (22 items)
2004 - (20 items)
2003 - (15 items)
2002 - (2 items)