Major achievements in FISHGASTRO

Gastro-intestinal health with special emphasis on reduction of risk of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease

Major achievements in 2005

Patient recruitment for the intervention studies, which are going on now for one year, appeared slower than anticipiated. So far the milestone of 75 patients has not been achieved and only 50 patients were included. Therefore the recruitement area was expanded by increasing the number of participating hospitals. Since more efforts are needed, the project expenses go up and additional funding by at least 100 kEuro for the Wageningen centre must be found. Several attempts have been made already, but without success. The team is now exploring the possibility to find sponsors in industry. The work regarding measurement of faecal markers, markers of inflammation, development of markers for colorectal cancer risk using DNA chip technogy, including training of staff, showed a good progression with excellent cooperaion among centers. A great deal of progress has been made by TNO, Netherlands, and Friedrich Schiller University, Germany, in development of novel methods for measuring DNAdamage in biopsy cells by COMET analysis. For the first time part of the procedure has been undertaken in one lab and then samples transferred to another for analysis. This has been very succesfull.


Array analysis is still under discussion as to best approach with members of the NuGO team. Results on fatty acid analysis so far will be used for new power calculations. These calculations are required to make an estimation of the minimum number of patients to be included in the intervention. It is possible that the changes in fatty acid composition brought about by the intervention are stronger than anticipated before which means that the total number of patients necessary to be included in the intervention may appear less than calculated before. Regarding measurement of in-vitro digestibility of fish protein, fish fatty acids and formation of peptides during digestion, there was delay in the execution of the experiments as a consequence of capacity problems at TNO. The pillar coordinator was informed in December 2005 that these capacity problems are now solved by having a post doc included in the TNO team such that the arrearage will be eliminated soon.


See News item

The advanced COMET method successfully applied by SEAFOODplus researchers  21-11-05

The first, encouraging results have been obtained showing how DNA damage can be monitored in human biopsy samples. Read more about how the new method can be used in studying health benefits in intervention studies

Projectleader FISHGASTRO

Dr. Elizabeth Lund