Project 1.3 METAHEART

Metabolism of n-3 fatty acids and heart disease


28.Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (WCFS), The Netherlands, 42. Academisch Medisch Centrum  Amsterdam (AMCA), The Netherlands; 43. University Maastricht (UM), The Netherlands.


Intake of seafood and its n-3 fatty acids is associated with reduced risk of heart disease. However, it is not known how risk is reduced and which n-3 fatty acid in seafood or other foods are effective. An emerging hypothesis is that n-3 fatty acids protect against life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.


The main objectives of the project are:

- To provide proof about the major protective effect of seafood on heart disease risk, to unravel its underlying mechanism, to study the potential of different dietary n-3 fatty acids, and to determine how conversion and metabolism of n-3 fatty acids in the human body is controlled and can be modulated by other dietary factors

- To investigate whether and how dietary n-3 fatty acids can prevent cardiac arrhythmias and related heart disease risk, and which specific n-3 fatty acids in seafood and other foods may be responsible for this effect.


The research within the project is described in four major blocks of activities


Read about this and the other projects in RTD Pillar 1 Seafood and Human Nutrition in the Eurofish magazine article


On the way to better, healthier seafood products  


Major research achievements

The major research achievements are described in the following subpages for each project year:


2004            2005           2006          2007        2008 


Projectleader METAHEART
Dr. Ingeborg Brouwer
WCFS, Netherlands